First Year (Programming Foundation)

In the 'First Year (Programming Foundation)' level, you'll begin by mastering the fundamentals of programming using languages such as C, C++, Java, and Python, as well as delving into data structures. Our program offers three distinct tracks: one involving C, C++, and Java; another featuring C, C++, and Python; and a third focusing on C, C++, and data structures. This curriculum is tailored to provide a solid understanding of diverse programming languages. Throughout hands-on coding practice and projects, you'll not only become proficient in programming but also develop effective problem-solving skills. By the end of this level, you'll have a robust foundation.

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Key Features

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Most demanded skills and tools.


Highly engaging physical sessions led by subject-matter experts.

measurement instrument

Multiple industry-aligned capstone projects.

file check icon

Speed Building Techniques and Mock tests.

user with search icon

Personality oriented comprehensive programs.


Guidance & Techniques for Employing Tools & Technologies in Crafting Dynamic Solutions and Tackling Real-world Challenges.


Skills we will be Infusing!

Choose a technical skill set from the provided options

Interpersonal Skills

Courses Offerings


Outcomes of the program?

A girl who is typing on her laptop.
Successful Programming Professional

A successful Programming Professional excels in harnessing technology to optimize software development and programming tasks. They specialize in designing, implementing, and enhancing software solutions, utilizing data for informed decision-making, and adapt seamlessly to emerging technologies and programming languages. Think of them as the tech-savvy wizards of the programming world.

Career Opportunities

By completing this program, you will acquire the essential skills and expertise needed to thrive in the IT industry, making you eligible for a wide range of job positions related to C, C++, Java, Python, and more.

Mastering Job Interviews

Our program also incorporates a soft skills development component, enhancing your interview success by highlighting your strengths and improving your ability to shine during job interviews.

Unlock the World of Coding

Dive into the exciting realm of programming as a college student. Discover the fundamentals of languages like C, C++, Java, Python, and more. Develop coding proficiency and problem-solving skills that set the stage for your IT career.

Hands-On Learning

Our program emphasizes practical experience through coding projects and assignments. Learn by doing as you work on real-world coding challenges and projects, gaining invaluable skills and confidence.

Your Path to IT Excellence

Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the IT industry. From mastering coding languages to honing problem-solving abilities, this program is your gateway to a promising IT career.

Two people are discussing business.

Why this Program?

A group of students discussing each other.

Our program focuses on mastering the fundamentals of programming, ensuring you establish a solid foundation.

Dive into real coding projects and practical exercises, where you'll apply your newfound skills to real-world scenarios.

Gain proficiency in the latest programming tools and technologies that are in high demand across the IT industry.

With our program, you'll have expert guidance to navigate your journey from a beginner programmer to a proficient coder.


C, C++, Java, and Python are different programming languages, each with its own strengths and use cases. C and C++ are low-level languages often used for system-level programming and game development. Java is known for its portability and is commonly used for web and Android app development. Python is beginner-friendly and versatile, often chosen for web development, data science, and scripting. As a beginner, Python is a great choice due to its readability and ease of learning.

Data structures are fundamental to programming as they allow efficient organization and manipulation of data. To start learning data structures, begin with basics like arrays and linked lists. Online courses, textbooks, and coding challenges can help you understand and implement these structures. Practice is key to mastering data structures, so work on coding exercises to solidify your knowledge.

Common challenges include frustration with debugging, understanding complex concepts, and staying motivated. To overcome these challenges, break problems into smaller steps for debugging, seek help from online communities, and set achievable goals to stay motivated. Consistent practice and learning from mistakes are crucial for improvement.

Start with small personal projects that interest you. For instance, if you're learning Python, create a simple web scraper or a to-do list application. Join open-source projects, participate in hackathons, or volunteer for nonprofit organizations to work on real-world coding challenges and gain experience. These opportunities will help you apply your skills to practical scenarios and build a portfolio.